marketing in Nigeria

Marketing in Nigeria 2023-24

Marketing in Nigeria

Marketing in Nigeria plays a pivotal role in shaping the country’s business landscape and fostering economic growth. From its roots in pre-colonial trade to the digital age, marketing has evolved as a dynamic force, driving market recognition, customer acquisition, and innovation. Examples from diverse sectors, including telecommunications, banking, e-commerce, and real estate, showcase the significance of marketing in reaching and resonating with the Nigerian consumers. As the country embraces digital trends, marketers leverage online platforms to adapt and connect with a tech-savvy population.

What is Marketing in Nigeria ?

Marketing is a business function that involves identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs and wants through the creation, communication, and delivery of value. It encompasses a range of activities, including advertising, sales, distribution, market research, and product development, all aimed at promoting products or services to target audiences.

Importance of Marketing for Businesses in Nigeria

  1. Market Recognition and Branding: Marketing helps businesses establish a strong presence in the market and build brand recognition. In Nigeria, where competition is often fierce, effective branding can set a company apart and create a positive perception among consumers.
  2. Customer Acquisition and Retention: Marketing activities are essential for acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. By understanding the needs and preferences of Nigerian consumers, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to attract and keep a loyal customer base.
  3. Economic Growth and Job Creation: A robust marketing ecosystem contributes to economic growth by fostering business expansion. As businesses grow, they often create job opportunities, which is crucial for Nigeria’s growing population and workforce.
  4. Introduction of Innovation: Marketing encourages businesses to innovate and introduce new products or services to meet changing consumer demands. This is particularly important in a dynamic market like Nigeria, where consumer preferences may evolve over time.
  5. Foreign Investment and Trade: Effective marketing can attract foreign investment and facilitate international trade. By showcasing the strengths of Nigerian products and services, businesses can tap into global markets, contributing to the overall economic development of the country.
  6. Contribution to GDP: Marketing activities contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Nigeria. As businesses engage in buying and selling, they generate economic value that contributes to the country’s overall economic output.
  7. Education and Information Dissemination: Marketing serves as a means to educate consumers about products and services. In Nigeria, where diverse cultures and languages exist, effective marketing helps bridge communication gaps and ensures that consumers are well-informed about the offerings in the market.
  8. Adaptation to Digital Trends: With the increasing digitization of business, marketing is crucial for adapting to new technologies and reaching consumers through online channels. Embracing digital marketing strategies can be particularly relevant in Nigeria, where there is a growing internet user base.
marketing in nigeria country

How companies do marketing in Nigeria ?

  1. Mobile Telecommunications: Companies like MTN, Airtel, and Glo heavily invest in marketing to compete for market share in Nigeria’s telecommunications industry. Through strategic marketing campaigns, they promote their network coverage, data plans, and customer service to attract and retain subscribers.
  2. Consumer Goods: Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies, such as Nestlé, Unilever, and Procter & Gamble, use marketing to reach Nigerian consumers. Through television, radio, and online advertising, these companies promote products like food items, toiletries, and cleaning products, tailoring their messaging to local preferences.
  3. Banking and Financial Services: Nigerian banks like Access Bank, Zenith Bank, and First Bank leverage marketing to showcase their financial products and services. Marketing efforts include advertising their digital banking platforms, loan products, and personalized banking solutions to appeal to a diverse customer base.
  4. E-commerce: Jumia, one of Africa’s largest e-commerce platforms, relies on marketing to drive online shopping in Nigeria. Through social media campaigns, email marketing, and partnerships, Jumia attracts customers, promotes sales events, and establishes itself as a convenient and reliable platform for online shopping.
  5. Automobile Industry: Automakers like Toyota, Honda, and Kia implement marketing strategies to position their vehicles in the Nigerian market. Marketing efforts include television and print advertisements, sponsorship of events, and highlighting factors like fuel efficiency, durability, and after-sales service.
  6. Real Estate: Real estate developers in Nigeria, such as Eko Atlantic City or private property developers, utilize marketing to promote residential and commercial properties. They showcase the amenities, location advantages, and investment potential of their projects through various channels to attract buyers and investors.
  7. Fashion and Retail: Nigerian fashion brands like Deola Sagoe or international brands operating in Nigeria, such as Zara or Nike, engage in marketing to create brand awareness. Through social media, fashion shows, and collaborations, these brands connect with the Nigerian audience and drive sales.
  8. Food and Beverage Industry: Companies like Dangote Flour Mills or Nigerian Breweries employ marketing to promote their food and beverage products. Marketing campaigns focus on the quality, taste, and cultural relevance of their products to appeal to the diverse Nigerian consumer base.

These examples illustrate how marketing is crucial for businesses in Nigeria across various industries. Effective marketing helps build brand awareness, establish a competitive edge, and ultimately drive sales and business growth in the dynamic Nigerian market.

What is the brief history of marketing in Nigeria ?

The history of marketing in Nigeria is intertwined with the country’s economic and social development. Here is a brief overview:

  1. Pre-Colonial Era: Before the arrival of the British colonialists, trade and commerce were already prominent in Nigeria. Local markets and barter systems were common, with communities engaging in the exchange of goods and services.
  2. Colonial Period (Late 19th Century – 1960): Before the arrival of British colonialists, trade in Nigeria was primarily conducted through local markets and barter systems. The indigenous people engaged in economic activities based on their agricultural and artisanal production.  With the colonization of Nigeria by the British, the economic landscape changed significantly. The colonial government introduced cash crops like cocoa, palm oil, and groundnuts for export. This led to the establishment of formalized trading systems and the emergence of a more structured economy.
  3. Post-Independence (1960 Onward): Nigeria gained independence in 1960, and the post-colonial period saw increased urbanization and industrialization. The marketing landscape evolved with the growth of businesses and the establishment of local and international companies. In the early post-independence period, Nigerian businesses started to grow, and marketing became increasingly important. Companies like United Africa Company (UAC) played a significant role in the distribution of goods, including food and household products. The Nigerian marketing landscape saw the emergence of local businesses catering to the needs of the population. These businesses utilized traditional marketing channels such as print media and radio.
  4. Oil Boom (1970s):  The discovery of oil in Nigeria in the 1970s brought about significant economic changes. The oil boom led to increased government revenue, and this, in turn, influenced consumer behavior. The focus shifted to imported goods, and international brands gained prominence. Multinational corporations entered the Nigerian market, bringing with them sophisticated marketing strategies. Examples include oil companies like Shell and Mobil, which not only marketed petroleum products but also engaged in corporate social responsibility activities to enhance their image.
  5. Economic Challenges (1980s – 1990s): Nigeria faced economic challenges in the 1980s and 1990s, including a decline in oil prices and political instability. These factors had repercussions on the marketing sector, with businesses facing difficulties in maintaining growth.
  6. Transition to Democracy (Late 1990s – 2000s): The late 1990s marked Nigeria’s return to democratic rule. Economic reforms and stability led to increased foreign investment and the entry of more multinational companies. This brought about a shift in marketing strategies, with a focus on reaching a broader audience. Companies like Nigerian Breweries, a subsidiary of Heineken, increased their marketing efforts to promote alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, adapting to changing consumer preferences.
  7. Digital Age (2000s Onward): The advent of the internet and digital technology transformed marketing in Nigeria. Companies embraced online platforms and social media to reach a tech-savvy and interconnected population. Online marketplaces like Jumia gained prominence, emphasizing the convenience of e-commerce.  Social media also became a powerful tool for marketing products and services.
  8. Current Landscape: Nigeria’s marketing sector continues to evolve. The country has a diverse market with a growing middle class, and businesses are adapting to changing consumer behaviours and technological advancements. Local businesses and international brands alike leverage a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels to connect with consumers in a diverse and dynamic market.

Problems of marketing in Nigeria

The marketing landscape in Nigeria faces several challenges, and understanding these issues is crucial for businesses operating in the country. Here are some of the problems of marketing in Nigeria with examples:

  1. Infrastructure Challenges: Inadequate infrastructure, including poor road networks and unreliable power supply, poses challenges for product distribution. Companies may face difficulties in reaching remote areas, impacting the efficiency of marketing efforts. For instance, transporting goods to rural markets may be hindered by poor road conditions.
  2. Diverse Cultural Landscape: Nigeria is a culturally diverse country with over 250 ethnic groups. Tailoring marketing messages to suit the varied cultural preferences and languages can be challenging. For instance, a marketing campaign that resonates well in the southwest may not have the same impact in the northeast due to cultural differences.
  3. Economic Instability: Nigeria has experienced economic fluctuations, including periods of recession and inflation. Economic instability can affect consumer purchasing power, leading to changes in buying behavior. Companies may find it challenging to plan and execute marketing strategies effectively in such uncertain economic conditions.
  4. Political Instability: Periods of political instability and uncertainty can impact consumer confidence and disrupt business activities. For instance, during election seasons, businesses may experience a slowdown as consumers become cautious about spending, affecting marketing campaigns and sales promotions.
  5. Counterfeit Products: The prevalence of counterfeit products in the Nigerian market poses a challenge for legitimate businesses. Companies often invest in marketing efforts to build brand trust, but the presence of counterfeit goods can erode consumer confidence. This is particularly relevant in industries like pharmaceuticals and electronics.
  6. Limited Access to Finance: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria may face challenges accessing finance for marketing initiatives. Limited funding can restrict the ability of businesses to invest in advertising, promotions, and market research, hindering their competitiveness in the market.
  7. Regulatory Hurdles: Adherence to regulatory requirements and obtaining necessary approvals for marketing campaigns can be time-consuming and challenging. For instance, restrictions on certain types of advertising or delays in obtaining permits can impact the timely execution of marketing strategies.
  8. Digital Divide: While digital marketing is growing, there is still a digital divide in Nigeria, with a significant portion of the population lacking consistent internet access. This poses a challenge for businesses relying heavily on online marketing to reach a broad audience.
  9. Ethical Concerns: Some marketing practices may face scrutiny due to ethical concerns. For instance, deceptive advertising or false claims in marketing campaigns can lead to legal consequences and damage the reputation of the company involved.
  10. Competitive Market: The Nigerian market is highly competitive, and companies often struggle to differentiate their products or services. This intense competition can lead to price wars, making it challenging for businesses to maintain profit margins while effectively marketing their offerings.

Affiliate marketing in Nigeria

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a business rewards affiliates (publishers or partners) for driving traffic or sales to the business through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. Affiliates earn a commission or a predetermined reward for each customer or visitor brought in through their marketing activities.

How to do affiliate marketing in Nigeria ?

Starting affiliate marketing with no money in Nigeria requires a strategic approach that leverages free resources and platforms. Begin by selecting a niche that aligns with your interests and has a target audience in Nigeria. Utilize free blogging platforms like Blogger or WordPress to create a simple website focusing on your chosen niche. Craft high-quality, valuable content related to affiliate products you want to promote, incorporating your affiliate links naturally within the content.

Leverage free social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to share your content and engage with your audience. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to enhance the visibility of your content online. Join affiliate programs that do not require upfront fees, such as Jumia Affiliate or Konga Affiliate, and start promoting their products through your content. Consistency, dedication, and the strategic use of free online tools will be key in establishing a foundation for affiliate marketing success in Nigeria without any initial financial investment.

How to start affiliate marketing in Nigeria ?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do affiliate marketing in Nigeria, along with examples:

Step 1: Choose a Niche: Suppose you are interested in the beauty and skincare niche. You can choose to promote products like skincare routines, beauty products, or cosmetics.

Step 2: Research and Select Affiliate Programs: Join reputable affiliate programs related to your chosen niche. For instance, you can consider joining the Jumia Affiliate Program, which offers a variety of beauty and skincare products. Another option is Konga Affiliate, a Nigerian e-commerce platform with a diverse range of products.

Step 3: Create an Online Presence: Set up a blog or website focusing on beauty and skincare. You can use platforms like WordPress or Blogger to create content around product reviews, skincare tips, and beauty trends.

Step 4: Produce Quality Content: Write engaging and informative blog posts or create videos reviewing beauty products, sharing skincare routines, or demonstrating makeup techniques. Ensure that your content is valuable and relevant to your target audience.

Step 5: Integrate Affiliate Links: Naturally integrate affiliate links within your content. For instance, if you’re writing a review of a particular skincare product, include your affiliate link for readers to make a purchase.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to Your Content: Utilize various channels to drive traffic. Promote your content on social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Engage with your audience and encourage them to visit your blog or watch your videos.

Step 7: Build an Email List: Implement an email marketing strategy to build a subscriber list. Offer a free beauty guide or skincare tips in exchange for visitors’ email addresses. Use email campaigns to share exclusive promotions and affiliate product recommendations.

Step 8: Analyse and Optimize: Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track the performance of your content and affiliate links. Identify which products are generating the most clicks and conversions. Optimize your content strategy based on the data you gather.

Step 9: Compliance with Regulations: Be aware of and comply with local and international regulations regarding affiliate marketing. Clearly disclose your affiliate relationships to your audience, ensuring transparency and trust.

Step 10: Diversify Your Income Streams: Consider diversifying your income by exploring multiple affiliate programs or monetization methods. You could participate in affiliate programs offered by international beauty brands or explore other revenue streams, such as sponsored content or collaborations.

Step 11: Stay Updated and Adapt: Stay informed about industry trends, new beauty products, and changes in affiliate programs. Being proactive and adaptable can help you stay ahead in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing.

Remember that success in affiliate marketing takes time and consistency. By providing valuable content, building trust with your audience, and staying informed about industry trends, you can create a sustainable affiliate marketing business in Nigeria.

Where can I learn affiliate marketing in Nigeria ?

Learning affiliate marketing in Nigeria can be done through various online resources, both free and paid. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Online Courses and Platforms:
    1. Udemy: Udemy offers a variety of affiliate marketing courses, including those specific to beginners. Courses cover topics such as strategy development, content creation, and maximizing earnings.
    1. Coursera: Coursera provides courses from top universities and organizations worldwide. Look for courses on digital marketing or affiliate marketing to gain comprehensive insights.
    1. Skillshare: Skillshare is a platform with a range of classes on affiliate marketing, SEO, and digital marketing. It offers short, practical courses suitable for beginners.
  2. Blogs and Websites:
    1. Neil Patel’s Blog: Neil Patel is a renowned digital marketing expert, and his blog offers valuable insights into various aspects of online marketing, including affiliate marketing strategies.
    1. Affiliate Marketing Forum: Participate in affiliate marketing forums like Warrior Forum or Affilorama, where you can learn from discussions, ask questions, and connect with experienced marketers.
  3. YouTube Channels:
    1. Affiliate Marketing Dude: Marcus Campbell’s YouTube channel provides practical insights and tutorials on affiliate marketing, making it accessible for beginners.
    1. Income School: While not exclusively focused on affiliate marketing, Income School’s channel covers various aspects of online business, including niche selection and content creation.
  4. Books:
    1. “Affiliate Marketing: Launch a Six Figure Business” by Noah Gray: This book provides a step-by-step guide for beginners, covering fundamental concepts and strategies.
    1. “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day” by Evgenii “Geno” Prussakov: For those interested in understanding affiliate program management, this book offers comprehensive insights.
  5. Online Forums and Communities:
    1. Nairaland: Nairaland is a popular Nigerian online forum where you can find discussions related to affiliate marketing. Engage with the community to learn from others’ experiences and seek advice.
  6. Free Online Resources:
    1. Google’s Digital Garage: Google offers free online courses on digital marketing fundamentals, providing a solid foundation for understanding online marketing, including affiliate marketing.
    1. HubSpot Academy: HubSpot’s free courses cover a range of marketing topics, and their content marketing and inbound marketing courses can be beneficial for affiliate marketers.

Remember to combine theoretical knowledge with practical implementation. Start by applying what you learn to real-world scenarios, such as creating a blog or website, and actively participating in affiliate programs. Experimentation and continuous learning are key components of success in affiliate marketing.

Digital marketing in Nigeria

Digital marketing in Nigeria has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by increased internet penetration and the widespread use of mobile devices. Companies across various industries leverage digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience, drive engagement, and increase sales. Here is a detailed exploration with examples:

  1. Social Media Marketing: Brands like GTBank, MTN Nigeria, and Dangote Group use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with their audience. They share updates, run targeted ads, and engage in community building. For instance, GTBank utilizes social media to promote financial literacy campaigns and engage with customers.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Companies invest in SEO to improve their visibility on search engines. Jumia, a leading e-commerce platform in Nigeria, optimizes its website for keywords related to online shopping, ensuring that it appears prominently in search results when users look for products or services.
  3. Content Marketing: Nigerian companies like Flutterwave, a fintech company, use content marketing to educate their audience about online payment solutions. They create blog posts, infographics, and video content to explain the benefits of their services and establish thought leadership in the industry.
  4. Email Marketing: Banks like Access Bank and First Bank utilize email marketing to communicate with customers, promote new services, and share personalized offers. They segment their email lists to provide targeted content and enhance the overall customer experience.
  5. Influencer Marketing: Fashion brands like PayPorte collaborate with Nigerian influencers and celebrities to promote their products. Influencers share sponsored content on social media platforms, showcasing the brand’s fashion items and driving consumer interest.
  6. Mobile Marketing: Brands leverage SMS marketing to reach consumers on their mobile phones. Telecommunication companies like MTN and Airtel use SMS campaigns to promote data bundles, special offers, and other services directly to their subscribers.
  7. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Nigerian businesses use PPC advertising on platforms like Google Ads to target specific keywords and demographics. For instance, travel agencies like Wakanow use PPC ads to promote travel deals and attract customers searching for flights or vacation packages.
  8. Online Marketplaces and E-commerce: Jumia and Konga, two prominent e-commerce platforms in Nigeria, use digital marketing to drive sales. They employ a combination of social media advertising, search engine marketing, and email campaigns to attract online shoppers and promote special offers.
  9. Data Analytics and Insights: Companies invest in data analytics tools to gain insights into consumer behavior. Glo, a telecommunications company, might use analytics to understand how users engage with their mobile app, allowing them to optimize the user experience and tailor marketing campaigns accordingly.
  10. Webinars and Virtual Events: Educational institutions and training organizations use digital marketing to promote webinars and virtual events. For instance, a coding academy might leverage social media and email marketing to attract participants to a free coding workshop.
  11. Localized Digital Campaigns: Nigerian startups, like Farmcrowdy, a digital agriculture platform, use localized digital campaigns to connect with rural farmers. They leverage mobile apps, SMS, and community engagement to educate farmers about modern agricultural practices and investment opportunities.

Thus, digital marketing in Nigeria encompasses a diverse range of strategies and channels. Companies tailor their approaches to the local market, cultural nuances, and the digital habits of Nigerian consumers to achieve their marketing objectives. The examples provided demonstrate the multifaceted nature of digital marketing in Nigeria across various industries.

CPA Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria

Cost Per Action (CPA) affiliate marketing is a performance-based model where affiliates earn a commission for specific actions taken by referred users. In Nigeria, CPA marketing offers opportunities for individuals and businesses to monetize online traffic through various actions like sales, leads, or form submissions. Here is a detailed guide with examples:

  1. Choose CPA Networks: Join CPA networks that accept affiliates from Nigeria, such as Admitad, Wewe Media, or Mobidea. These networks offer a variety of CPA offers across different niches, allowing affiliates to choose offers that align with their audience.
  2. Select a Niche: Choose a niche relevant to the Nigerian audience, like personal finance, health and wellness, or technology. For instance, an affiliate might select offers related to online banking services, health supplements, or tech gadgets targeting Nigerian consumers.
  3. Research CPA Offers: Explore CPA offers available on the chosen network. Suppose you opt for a personal finance niche; you might find CPA offers for credit card sign-ups, loan applications, or investment platforms targeting Nigerians interested in financial products.
  4. Create a Platform: Establish a blog, website, or social media presence focused on your chosen niche. For instance, if you are promoting health and wellness offers, create content about fitness tips, healthy recipes, and supplement reviews to attract a Nigerian audience interested in wellness.
  5. Generate Traffic: Drive targeted traffic to your platform using various channels. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, create SEO-optimized content, or run paid advertising campaigns to attract Nigerians interested in your niche.
  6. Optimize for Conversions: Test different elements of your campaigns to optimize for conversions. For a CPA offer related to a health supplement, you might experiment with various ad creatives, landing page designs, or promotional strategies to identify the most effective approach for your Nigerian audience.
  7. Compliance and Ethics: Adhere to ethical marketing practices and comply with both the policies of the CPA networks and any local laws in Nigeria. Clearly disclose your affiliate relationships, and avoid deceptive or misleading marketing tactics to build trust with your audience.
  8. Track and Analyse Performance: Use tracking tools and analytics to monitor the performance of your CPA campaigns. Understand key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and earnings per click. Analyze the data to refine your strategies and focus on what works best for your Nigerian audience.
  9. Build a Relationship with Your Audience: Focus on building a genuine relationship with your Nigerian audience. Provide valuable content, address their specific needs or concerns, and engage with them through comments, emails, or social media to foster trust and loyalty.
  10. Diversify and Scale: As you gain experience and see success with certain CPA offers, consider diversifying your portfolio. If you started with health and wellness, explore additional niches like personal finance or technology to expand your reach and maximize earnings.

So, CPA affiliate marketing in Nigeria involves strategic selection of offers, understanding the local audience, ethical marketing practices, and continuous optimization. By tailoring your approach to the interests and needs of the Nigerian market, you can effectively monetize your online efforts through CPA marketing.

Jumia Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria

Jumia, one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Africa, including Nigeria, offers an affiliate marketing program that allows individuals to earn commissions by promoting Jumia products. Here is a detailed overview of Jumia Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria:

1. Joining the Jumia Affiliate Program: To get started, visit the Jumia Affiliate Program website, and sign up for an account. The application process is usually straightforward, and once approved, you will gain access to affiliate tools and resources.

2. Access to Affiliate Dashboard: Upon approval, you will have access to the Jumia Affiliate Dashboard. This dashboard provides various tools, including affiliate links, banners, and tracking tools to monitor your performance.

3. Choose Products to Promote: Navigate through the Jumia catalogue and select products or categories that align with your audience and niche. Whether it is electronics, fashion, beauty, or other categories, Jumia offers a diverse range of products.

4. Generate Affiliate Links: Use the tools provided in the affiliate dashboard to generate unique affiliate links for the selected products. These links are essential for tracking the traffic and sales generated through your promotional efforts.

5. Promote Products: Promote Jumia products through various channels such as:

  • Blog or Website: Write reviews, create product guides, or feature Jumia products on your blog or website.
  • Social Media: Share affiliate links on your social media platforms, accompanied by engaging content.
  • Email Marketing: Incorporate Jumia product recommendations in your email campaigns.

6. Drive Traffic and Conversions: Focus on driving targeted traffic to Jumia through your affiliate links. The more users make purchases through your links, the higher your commission.

7. Earn Commissions: Jumia affiliates earn commissions based on a percentage of the sales generated through their affiliate links. The commission structure may vary for different product categories.

8. Performance Tracking: Utilize the tracking tools in the affiliate dashboard to monitor your performance. Track clicks, conversions, and commissions earned to assess the effectiveness of your promotional strategies.

9. Payouts and Payment: Jumia typically has a payment threshold that affiliates must reach before receiving payouts. Once the threshold is met, affiliates can receive payments through various methods, such as bank transfers or other payment options available in Nigeria.

10. Compliance and Guidelines: – Adhere to Jumia’s affiliate program guidelines and policies. Ensure ethical marketing practices and transparency with your audience regarding your affiliate relationship with Jumia.

11. Stay Informed: – Stay updated on any changes to Jumia’s affiliate program, including commission rates, product offerings, and promotional guidelines. Being informed allows you to adapt your strategies for continued success.

Jumia Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to monetize their online presence by promoting a wide range of products from an established e-commerce platform. Keep in mind that program details may evolve, so it is essential to regularly check the official Jumia Affiliate Program website for the latest information and updates.

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