
gig economy in India

What is gig economy in 2023

The gig economy, also known as the “freelance” or “on-demand” economy, is a labour market characterized by the prevalence of short-term, temporary, and often project-based work arrangements. In the gig economy, individuals work as independent contractors or freelancers, offering their skills and services on a flexible basis rather than being employed by a single, traditional

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Reviewing Indian Economy for Sustainable Development

Indian Economic Association (IEA), the oldest economic association of the world which was formed in 1917, celebrated its 105th Annual conference on the theme India @75- Reviewing Indian Economy for Sustainable Development from 27-79th December 2022 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. The conference was jointly organised by Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University along with Ranchi University, Jharkhand.

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