RESOURCES FOR UPSC Civil services examination
Practical and easy doable activities and guidance in your UPSC-Civil Services Preparation journey
आपकी UPSC-Civil Services की तैयारी यात्रा में आसान और व्गयवहारिक मागदर्शन
How to write an essay for upsc civil services (ias, ips, ifs) examination
Practical step-by-step guide for writing an essay for UPSC Civil Services Examination
How to write an essay for UPSC Civil Services Examination?
Dear aspirants,
Very practical and step-by-step guide for writing essays for UPSC civil services examinations (IAS, IPS, IFS etc.) is hereunder mentioned.
Very important:
1. Before writing an essay for any competitive examination (UPSC-Civil services for getting into IAS, IPS, IFS etc. services) you MUST have subject knowledge / current affairs / content from UPSC syllabus of the General Knowledge Paper –I, II, III.
2. Have a list of essay topics asked in previous years – at least 6 years recommenced.
3. At beginning, while starting to write an essay number one for any competitive exam at home sit down in relaxed way and imagine / assume you have a lot of time to write it.
4. Take a topic and list down all points and keywords (1 – 4 words) that comes to you mind (do brainstorming and SWOT [Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats] analysis of the topic and then organize / divide the keywords into three components of the essay, i.e. introduction, body and conclusion / way forward.
5. Do not feel disheartened if your essay number one is NOT very impressive. You will develop this skillset in due course of time and that depends your level of concentration / devotion or seriousness towards your aim of qualifying UPSC civil services examination for getting your dream seat of IAS, IPS, IFS etc.
6. An impressive and well drafted / written essay will emerge after careful investigation of your personality carefully along-with, subject knowledge / topic / content coverage in due course of practice.
· Introduce the topic as you feel convinced by your ideas/ beliefs, because everyone has his/her unique logical thinking and working style. Respect that. Because while working as an IAS, IPS, IFS etc. you will have to write note-sheets in Government files so our natural way of writing must develop through practice.
· The topic(s) may be introduced with a quotation / story-telling / briefing a case-study or any other innovative idea you have.
· A well organized and introduced topic plays very crucial role in creating an impression about the aspirant in the mind of the evaluator(s).
Body part
Discuss / explain / elaborate all your points keeping following points in mind
· Neat and clean readable handwriting
· Avoiding / reducing / minimizing spelling / grammatical mistakes in your sentences
· Focusing on your natural writing style (depends on your personality and presentation of facts, date and information etc. in placing a distinct image of yours(it will develop through practice)
· Do not hesitate in making / drawing flow-charts / diagrams / maps etc. to be very precise on conveying your ideas / thoughts / views / opinions etc. in paragraphs
· Wherever your feel necessary give examples from all facets of life (history, geography, economy, environment, philosophy, art and culture, literature, constitutional amendments, science and technology, quotes given by eminent personalities etc.) to support or validate your argument
Conclusion / Way forward / Policy implications
· Discuss the overall / main ideology with balanced opinion (after weighing advantages and disadvantages, positives and negatives etc. of the essay in its body part)
· Try discussing your thoughts / ideas on future courses of actions, having practical approach and NOT having idealistic way.
· Discuss all probable courses of actions / your views / opinions in brief- it shows your logical thinking and problem solving approach / skillset.
· Suggest best course of action / idea / your viewpoint and recommend it with reason(s) in very precise way.
· Always end the essay with positive outlook, having a scope for further discussion.